The Business of Thank Yous … and Goals

Today’s date is the six-month mark of Lark + Fir®’s existence, and what a blur those months have been! It would not have been possible at all without the insightful, energized help from Kari Luna (@wordette) and Kait Kenobi (@thinkmakedesign) guiding this “child” of mine into the world in the form of a fledgling brand and website. I am also indebted to my upbeat, millennial marketing guru Stacee Peterson. Broker Elaine also came aboard months before we had even a whiff of an offering. This all while I multitasked and juggled the needs of my patient clients and ever-patient and supportive husband Eric and daughter Charlotte.  A very grateful nod also goes out to many of the wonderful agents I had the distinct pleasure of serving in the past. Their words of encouragement, more than anything else, convinced me to do this!

Moving on to a sole proprietorship has become the chrysalis for my vision of what a good residential real estate brokerage can and should do for its community. I believe deeply in the importance of what I do as both real estate agent for my clients, and as real estate “coach” assisting other licensees with growing and managing their businesses. It is enormously gratifying work, especially because every day and every situation is different.

I do seem to thrive with the challenges that involve getting people in – or back in! – alignment with their goals, or at least, a methodical vision of what it will take to achieve them.

Goals. It’s a word we throw around a lot. I believe that the word “meaningful” should always be inserted ahead of them. What is a meaningful goal, then? I believe it’s one that bears special significance for YOU. It should always address needs beyond monetary requirements, and speak to what makes your own wheels turn, your own grass grow. Goals should be your guiding light, not a burden.

As I launch my fledgling company into the heart of Multnomah Village, my meaningful goal for Lark + Fir®is to educate, encourage, and support my community. By that I include my fellow business owners, everyone who wants to buy or sell a home, and especially everyone who wants to be the best Realtor they can be. We strive to provide informed, well-crafted real estate services in a welcoming environment; they should reflect and contribute to where we live and what we celebrate most about this embraced home of ours, Portland! I do love my goal. Onward!


Chylese Austin, Owner

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