L+F Partner Profile Series:  Brad Isaac – Isaac Inspections Service

Brad Isaac, Owner – Isaac Inspections Service

Meet home inspector Brad,  owner of Isaac Inspections Service, one of our preferred local resources of the last 7+ years for conduction professional general home inspections. We’ve found him to be thorough, methodical, and especially knowledgeable given his many years prior in construction and insatiable curiosity for emerging technologies in homebuilding and remodeling. He’s got a  deep appreciation for great architectural design. He’s also a very good listener. In short, he’s a house geek with people skills.

Recently, we caught Brad in-action while doing a home inspection  for a client in inner Northeast Portland; learn more about him here below!

How long have you been doing this work?

I did this work for 3 years for another local company, and since then for about 4 years on my own.  Close to 8 years now. At the company I initially worked for, I was doing 2 inspections nearly every day which is really challenging.  My goal now is 1 per day so I can do a better job. I don’t have to rush, rush the report, and additionally, I’m not staying up till midnight / 1AM and then turn around and do it again the next day.   I had no life when I did 2 a day. Some people can do 2 per day and be done by 5pm, I’m just not one of those people. Sometimes when I read reports by people who do two in one day, I’ll often find a lot of errors.  I do a lot of proofreading. I like my reports to be clear and grammatically correct… where there’s typos or incorrect grammar, I think it makes their quality of work look doubtful. 

What do you love most about what you do?

I get to see Portland homes! I get to go into homes and see what’s behind the curtain.  I also feel like I’m helping people. On the very first home I purchased, I noticed things the home inspector thought weren’t a big deal, there were some things missed as well that could cost me a lot of money later on down the road.  It’s taught me to be cautious, but I like the fact that some of these issues I have been able to catch for other people. SO, that fact that I get to help people out, make an informed decision about their house and do something that I enjoy is awesome. I kinda geek out on this stuff – I’ll be walking with my wife and noticing dry rot or this and that, and she’ll ask me to please knock it off [laughs]. The other thing too is that, for example if I point out a bad roof, I also feel like I’m helping to drive the economy. Sometimes home inspectors get a bad rap, but I think our suggestions for improvements AND repairs help keep people in business.  That’s been my philosophy.  

What is your best trait or ability?

My reports are comprehensive, and easy to read.  I’ve seen a lot of reports from other inspectors and they’re full of disclaimers, they can be hard to decipher.  Mine are very specific and I’ve been told a lot that they’re easy to read, so that’s part of what I like about what I do.  The other thing is I’m honest and my integrity is important to me.

Our industry resources are behind-the-scenes experts in their trades, who make our clients happier and our transactions smoother on a regular basis. We are so grateful for them. If you would like the contact information for any of our partners, please don’t hesitate to ask!

Photo Credit: Autumn Stark Photography

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