Virtual Continuing Ed: How Not to Get Sued

Continuing Education for Brokers Topic: How Not to Get Sued with instructor Richard Mario Note: this is a two hour CE course and you must preregister. Hosted by Fidelity National Title

Virtual CE: Persevering Through Probate Transactions

RSVP: Please join us for our upcoming virtual CE Class with guest speaker Taryn Blanton, Senior Escrow Officer, WFG National Title Insurance Company Reserve now - seating is limited! 1 CE Credit Hours Offered Presented by Rick Herz, WFG National Title Hosted by Chylese Austin, Lark + Fir Realty

Continuing Ed: Writing Winning Offers with Chylese Austin

Hosted by Rick Herz WFG National Title. Presenter: Chylese Austin, Lark and Fir Likely topic: Writing Winning Offers Location: This is a Zoom Virtual Class. Please click here to pre-register:

Monthly Company Mtg

Lark + Fir Realty 3605 SW Multnomah Blvd, Portland, OR, United States

L + F Brokers only Topics: New marketing platforms available to try Upcoming CE topics Update on broker development series New Listing roundtable Transaction Mgmt & Housekeeping topics

Broker Development Series – Instagram Basics

Lark + Fir Realty 3605 SW Multnomah Blvd, Portland, OR, United States

Special guest speaker Stacee Peterson, social media guru is coming to teach us the basics of Instagram for business and personal use. L+F Brokers and invited guests only

Virtual CE Class: Fair Housing & Discrimination

Lark + Fir Realty 3605 SW Multnomah Blvd, Portland, OR, United States

Presented by Tim Vergano, First American Title Co. Speaker - Kevin Harker Esq. a specialist in civil litigation, construction defect litigation, business entity formation, HOA, and landlord-tenant law. We are hoping to have a frank and timely discussion about racial verbiage is still present in CC&Rs, the problematic language in real estate advertising, how we […]

Broker Development: Cloud CMA tools demo

Lark + Fir Realty 3605 SW Multnomah Blvd, Portland, OR, United States

For Lark and Fir Brokers only - an expert demo of the new Cloud CMA tool and how to use it to gain and convert seller leads. Sponsored by Chicago Title Co.

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