CE Class – Business Profitability for Real Estate Agents

Instructor, Eric Johnisee, Drive Accounting. When it comes to achieving benchmarks or goals in a real estate agent’s business, it is common for the focus to be on top line growth, i.e. closed transactions, total volume, GCI. As a result of this class, and without taking your eye off of top line growth, you will […]

CE Class: Escrow 101

Please register for our upcoming Continuing Education Zoom Webinar– ESCROW 101 taught by Mariah Yee, Escrow Office, Ticor Title. https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_tsYvao7KT_ySdfzask_8WQ After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. ESCROW 101 All about Escrow/Title During this course you will have the opportunity to meet the Ticor team and learn about the […]

CE Class – RMLS Tips & Tricks

Learn the latest updates, tips and tricks to get the most out of RMLSweb. Better utilize the tools and resources that RMLS™ provides to agents to serve your clients at the highest level.

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