CE Class: Drafting and Understanding Real Estate Contingencies by Kevin Harker HARKER LEPORE, LLC

1 CE credit class - Drafting and Understanding Real Estate Contingencies by Kevin Harker HARKER LEPORE, LLC. Please register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUtdu6hqz0uGNzhS8J2X0d-HxaAMPjspHMh In this class, you will learn: - Formation of contracts - Legal requirements for contracts and contingencies - Common types of contingencies - Understanding legal implications of contingencies   Presented by Tim Vergano, Marketing […]

HomeSnap Overview with Aaron Stelle

Instructor: Aaron Stelle, VP, Regional Marketing Technology Director, WEST Presented by: Rick Herz, Business Development, WFG

CE Class: RPR

Instructor: Stephanie Chumbley, Director of New Media & Education, Chicago Title Presented by: Teresa Boyanovsky, Sales Executive, Chicago Title

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