L+F Partner Profile Series: Jill Viglione – Embrace Your Space

Jill Viglione, Owner – Embrace Your Space

Meet 16-year veteran Professional Organizer Jill,  the owner of Embrace Your Space, our local resource who regularly transforms any room, garage, or basement from chaos to a beautiful (or at least tidy!) well-balanced space.  Every job is customized to meet the client’s needs, whether it’s a quick-and-dirty document purge, office filing system overhaul, overstuffed garage, or a house decluttering exercise ahead of a property sale or downsize move.

She also provides the best resources for everything from shelving solutions to a pick-up service for old furniture.  Recently, we caught Jill in action while organizing a home office, and she provided some additional insight about the value she adds, and why she loves her job so much.  (action shot above – super sweet answers below). Thanks, Jill!

How long have you been doing this work?
About 16 years in all! I now average about 8 clients per week.

What do you love most about what you do?
I love helping people the most, absolutely.  I think having them feel less overwhelmed when are done and they feel supported when we’re working together. I love that. I like making them happy. When they’re able to come into their space and feel better, it fills my love bucket!

What is your best trait or ability?
I think the thing that makes me unique is that I am very, very good at estimating space and designing space, so it’s not just about sorting, not just about organizing, but being able to take the space and re-lay it out [sic] and then having things fit very well and it feels really balanced.  

Tell us about a really challenging job that you still managed to complete for a client. Why was it so challenging?
There have been multiple challenging jobs.  I’ve worked in a 98-degree garage; that was a bad idea!   

Another challenging situation was a client with a paper project; she wanted to go through all her papers and set up a filing system before she moved. Generally I have in my mind a certain amount of time it takes; but instead it took three times that long, because the client needed to look at and review each piece of paper; and she didn’t want to put the house on the market until the project was complete. 

Usually, the most challenging are where the clients are not on board with changing things or open to suggestions.  Some clients will say, “Oh, it’s so unorganized, but you can’t do that and you can’t do that… no, I don’t like that, etc.”  Okay, I say, let’s come up with something that works for you. I’m going to customize it for you. Overall, I don’t focus on the challenging aspects, I prefer to focus on the things I love about my work!

Our industry resources are behind-the-scenes experts in their trades, who make our clients happier and our transactions smoother on a regular basis. We are so grateful for them. If you would like the contact information for any of our partners, please don’t hesitate to ask!

Photo Credit: Autumn Stark Photography

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